
This is what we recommend as standard but it if you have other preferences lets talk.

The panels

We recommend the JA Solar Mono 550W

The JA Solar PVs are robust enough for the demands of Island living and come with a 30 year guarantee.

The batterys

We recommend the PureDrive Energy Pure Storage 2 battery

Designed and Developed in the UK, Puredrive has a dedicated team in the UK with nearly 100 staff, providing leading R&D, technical and customer support.

Other stuff

We recommend many other renewable products

For example we work with Andersen to install high end Electric Vehicle charging points.


Not real people but illlustrations of how it works.

The Taylors
Example a

The Taylors from Peel, install 10 solar panels and a 10 kWh battery system, the cost of electricity is currently 30 pence per kWh.

Initial Investment: The Taylors invested £10,000 in a solar panel system and an additional £5,000 in the 10 kWh battery storage system. This included the cost of panels, installation, battery, and necessary equipment.

    See illustration
    The Kellys
    Example B

    The Kellys from Castletown, install 20 solar panels and a 15 kWh battery system, the cost of electricity is currently 30 pence per kWh.

    Initial Investment: The Kellys invested £12,000 in a solar panel system and an additional £8,000 in the 15 kWh battery storage system. This included the cost of panels, installation, battery, and necessary equipment. They drive a BMW i3.

      See illustration

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